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Swamini Poornapragnanda or ‘Amba’ as she is lovingly addressed by her devotees. Swamini founded Antahkarana Ghana Nilayam in 2018. She herself is an ardent devotee of Bhagavan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri (Baba). Amba, is a guru, a mother, a friend, a saint. She is as her devotees seek her to be, a meditator whose inner experience and wisdom was evident even when she would sit in complete stillness for hours and meditate just as a child.
Her primary teaching is that of forgiveness, universal acceptance and unconditional love as she often speaks of her journey to becoming one with Bhagavan Nityananda himself simply by surrendering to him wholly.
Her journey truly began when she found herself completely immersed in the image of Bhagavan Nityananda during a Satsang, and she wouldn’t be fulfilled until he became a living reality for her.
Here is a small prayer composed by her for her guru Bhagavan Nityananda.
She says, Suprabhathams that have been composed on Gods or Gurus, usually describe Their form, attributes and Leelas. In Nityananda Suprabhatham, we are invoking our Guru in our Chidaakaasham, requesting Him to awaken us from this Maya and to give us the Realisation that we are Jeevanmuktas! This is the Essence of this Suprabhatham!
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guru pāda kamalaththai paNindhu vēnDugirēN
yen-mana-iruLai pokki gnānadeepam yetRida yezhundaruLvāi
yezhundaruLvāi gnānāmudakaDale yennuL yezhundaruLvāi nee guru
pādakamalaththai – at the Lotus feet of my Guru, paNindhu – bow down, vēnDugirēN – I pray, yen-mana – my mind, iruLai – darkness, pokki – to remove, gnānadeepam – lamp of Wisdom, yetRida – to light, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, gnānāmudakaDale – Ocean of nectar-like Wisdom, yennuL – within me, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, nee – You.
As I bow down at the Lotus feet of my Guru, I pray that He removes the darkness of my mind by lighting the lamp of Wisdom. Arise & bestow Grace, my Ocean of nectar-like Wisdom (Nityananda)! Arise within me!
boga mohaththil muzhugādirikka gnānatONiyil yetRuvāi yennai nee
gnānasāgarame parāparame yennuL yezhundaruLvāi nee
boga – sensual pleasures, mohaththil – in attachments, muzhugādirikka – prevent from drowning, gnānatONiyil – boat of Wisdom, yetRuvāi – take me aboard, yennai – me, nee – You gnānasāgarame – Ocean of Wisdom, parāparame – Greatest of the Great, yennuL – within me, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, nee – You
Greatest of the Great, you take me aboard the boat of Wisdom, and prevent me from drowning in sensual pleasures & attachments. Arise within me, my Ocean of Wisdom (Nityananda)!
kāma kashaDugaL azhinthida gnānāgniyāi yezhundaruLvāi
yezhundaruLvāi agnichchuDare yennuL yezhundaruLvāi nee
kāma – Desire, kashaDugaL – afflictions, azhinthida – to destroy, gnānāgniyāi – as the Fire of Wisdom, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, agnichchuDare – Lustrous Fire, yennuL – within me, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, nee – You
Arise within me as the Fire of Wisdom and destroy my desires and afflictions. Arise within me, my Lustrous Fire (Nityananda)!
nāma roopaththil mayingiDum manaththil mei swaroopam kātta yezhundaruLvāi
mano deham nān yenum agnānaththai pOkka avadhootare yezhundaruLvāi
yennuL yezhundaruLvāi nee
nāma – Name, roopaththil – form, mayingiDum – engulfed, manaththil – in the mind, mei swaroopam – True Nature, kātta – to show, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, mano – mind, deham – body, nān – I, yennum – that, agnānaththai – ignorance, pOkka – to remove, avadhootare – Avadhoota, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, yennuL – within me, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, nee – You
I have been giving reality to my mind and body and perceiving the world as names and forms. Arise within me, Dear Avadhoota (Nityananda), and make me realise my True Nature, Arise within me!
kOpa thāpaththāl vendu-madiyum-uyiRai gnānaththāl uyiRpikka
yezhundaruLvāi yezhundaruLvāi gnānachchuDare yennuL yezhundaruLvāi nee
kOpa – anger, thāpaththāl – yearning desire, vendu-madiyum-uyiRai – existence gets destroyed, gnānaththāl – through Wisdom, uyiRpikka – bring back to life, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, yezhundaruLvāi– Arise and bestow Grace, gnānachchuDare – Flame of Wisdom, yennuL – within me, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, nee – You
I am destroying my existence by indulging in anger and yearning desire. Arise within me, my Flame of Wisdom (Nityananda), and bring me back to life by giving me Knowledge & Wisdom. Arise within me!
vedānthaththil irukkum poruL nāne yendraRiyum aRivai nān peRa
yezhundaruLvāi yezhundaruLvāi gnāna jyotiye yennuL yezhundaruLvāi nee
vedānthaththil – In Vedantam, irukkum – is there, poruL – Essence, nāne – me only, yendraRiyum – to know, aRivai – Knowledge, nān- me, peRa – to get, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, gnāna jyotiye – Light of Wisdom, yennuL – within me, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, nee – You
Arise within me, my Light of Wisdom (Nityananda) and make me realise that I am The Truth (Atma), that is spoken about in Vedanta. Arise within me!
gnānam agnānaththai paguththu aRiyum aRivai nān peRa
yezhundaruLvāi yezhundaruLvāi gnāna viLakke yennuL yezhundaruLvāi nee
gnānam – Knowledge, agnānaththai- ignorance, paguththu – differentiate, aRiyum – to know, aRivai – Knowledge, nān-me, peRa- to get, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, gnāna viLakke – Lamp of Knowledge, yennuL – within me, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, nee – You
Arise within me, my Lamp of Knowledge (Nityananda) and give me the wisdom to discriminate between Knowledge and ignorance. Arise within me!
meip poruLe nithyānandam yenDruNartha yezhundaruLvāi
yezhundaruLvāi nithyānandā yennuL yezhundaruLvāi nee
meip poruLe – My True Nature, nithyānandam – Eternal Bliss, yenDruNartha – make me realise, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, nithyānandā – Eternally Blissful One, yennuL – within me, yezhundaruLvāi – Arise and bestow Grace, nee – You
Arise within me to make me realise that my True Nature is Eternal Bliss! Arise Dear Nityananda, the One who is Eternally Blissful, Arise within me! Nityananda Suprabhatham, as composed and explained by Amba